10 Steps How to Build Lean Body

10 Steps How to Build Lean Body -If you’re looking to improve your physique, building lean body mass (LBM) can help you achieve this goal—but building muscle isn’t as simple as lifting heavy weights and eating right.

Building LBM takes planning and consistency to gain the most muscle without getting fat along the way.

If you follow these 10 Steps How to Build Lean Body, healthier body, your hard work will pay off!

Understand Your Basal Metabolic Rate

The number of calories your body burns at rest is called your basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is influenced by several factors—gender, genetics, age, and body composition.

Knowing your BMR allows you to find ways to control your caloric intake while keeping enough energy in reserve for activities such as exercise.

To calculate your BMR: multiply your weight by 10 if you’re sedentary (use an even number if you exercise regularly), add 500 calories if you have a very muscular build, or subtract 500 calories if you have a very lean frame; add 5 calories per year for every decade of life beyond age 20. The final sum is your BMR.

Eat Enough Calories to Build Muscle

Too often I hear people say they want to build muscle but do not eat enough calories. If you are trying to gain weight you need more calories than if you are trying to lose weight.

Protein intake is also important for building lean body mass. Consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day and make sure that those proteins come from animal sources.

Eat The Right Amount of Protein

Make sure you’re eating enough protein each day, as well as healthy sources of fat and fiber. Without adequate protein in your diet—whether from animal sources like meat or dairy products or plant-based sources like nuts and legumes—your body can’t rebuild muscle tissue.

Getting enough lean protein at every meal is essential for boosting metabolism and losing weight. Also, make sure you eat fat with breakfast; studies show that people who consume high-fat breakfasts are better able to keep their metabolisms running efficiently than those who go carb-free in the morning.

Focus On Healthy Fats

Fat is often vilified by health fanatics but it’s an essential part of a healthy diet. Fats are involved in everything from proper brain function to vitamin absorption, not to mention they help us absorb vitamins A and D.

Studies have shown that getting enough healthy fats—like those found in avocados and olive oil—can even lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

For building lean body mass, aim for one gram of fat per pound of body weight. This can be hard at first if you’re used to snacking on nuts or peanut butter but once you get over that initial hump, you won’t want unhealthy fats again!

Add Cardio to Exercise

While resistance training is important for weight loss, you can’t spot-reduce. That means you need to hit all parts of your body with regular exercise that includes cardio.

Cardio works by improving your heart and circulatory system strength so that it doesn’t have as hard of a time pumping blood around your body.

When you work for different muscle groups during cardio exercise, it’s called cross-training—it not only helps build lean muscle tissue but also encourages other muscles throughout your body to strengthen along with it.

Keep in mind that the more intense activity is, such as running or basketball, while running at an incline can be effective for building lean muscle tissue overall; these activities also put increased stress on joints—so do them carefully and don’t overdo it!

Lift Weights The Right Way

Weight lifting is one of your best bets for building lean body muscle. But it’s not just about getting bulky—it can also help you maintain weight loss because it boosts your metabolism and keeps your body from going into starvation mode.

One of the best things you can do for yourself as you begin a weight-lifting program is to find an experienced lifter in your area who will give you some pointers and work with you on the form (you’ll be surprised at how important proper form is).

Many gyms have classes where experts walk beginners through some basic moves that get them started on lifting safely and effectively.

Don’t Forget About Strength Training

Strength training is key for many reasons: it reduces your risk of injury; it burns more calories than cardio exercise, and it keeps your body toned and builds muscle.

Studies show that one pound of muscle can burn up to 35 extra calories per day at rest. Add strength training exercises (like squats or lunges) two or three times per week into your weekly workout routine.

If you don’t have time for formal workouts—or if you have sore muscles from playing sports or working out—try doing squats while holding heavy items like water bottles as weights. It’s better than nothing!

Lean Body Mass Calculator Click here for LBM Calculator

Use Supplements Wisely

Like everything else in life, weight loss supplements are best when used wisely. You don’t need special powders or pills—you just need to know how and when (and if) they should be included in your diet.

Start with an honest assessment of your health: How physically active are you? What kind of diet do you normally eat? Does that fit with your goals? Get honest answers by talking to your doctor and/or having lab tests done.

Those answers will help guide what kind of supplements—if any—is right for you. Here are some suggestions on how to use them appropriately Read More 10 Steps How to Build Lean Body

Sleep To Get Ripped Quickly and Easily

If you want to burn fat quickly and easily, focus on getting enough sleep every night. A study conducted by researchers at Columbia University found that those who got less than five hours of sleep were significantly more likely to consume an extra 200 calories per day.

As we mentioned earlier in this post, eating even 15-20 fewer calories per day can lead to noticeable weight loss over time.

And while it may not seem like much, burning another 200-300 calories per day is enough fuel for total body transformation.

Know Where You Stand with Fat Loss and Weight Gain

Before you embark on the anybody-altering journey—whether it’s weight loss or gain—you should know where you stand.

You need to calculate your body mass index (BMI) for starters. It’s one of many ways health professionals can gauge obesity and unhealthy levels of fat in your body.

To do so, you simply divide your weight in pounds by your height in inches squared. If that number is greater than 30 (for women) or 25 (for men), then it means you are either overweight or obese and will likely experience negative effects from being either one.

For example, an increase in blood pressure and risk of diabetes.

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